Aktobe-Temir-VS Group

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Aktobe-Temir-VS Group celebrates 50 years of innovation

by Bruce Woodall, Chairman

“It all started with Peter Wood and I meeting at Seale Hayne Agricultural College in Devon and we kept in touch and both realised that we were probably unemployable,” remembers co-founder Bruce Woodal. “Therefore, we decided we should start a business of our own and recognised there was an opportunity to seize in oil fired central heating by manufacturing domestic oil storage tanks.”

Timing is everything

We started in a cowshed at Churchdown near Cheltenham. The tanks were manufactured in the old cowshed and every piece of steel and finished tanks were manually handled. No forklifts! Within 2 years, we persuaded CoSIRA (Council for Small Industries in Rural Areas) to give us an industrial building loan for our first factory at Andoversford near Cheltenham. Two years later we moved into the factory and we were then manufacturing around 200 tanks a month, and everything was looking good. Then in November of 1973 OPEC suddenly decided to rapidly increase the price of crude oil which literally changed the domestic heating scene overnight.

That year, the price of kerosene more than doubled in price and orders dropped within 2 months to less than 50 tanks a month.

It taught us that we had to diversify to build a sustainable business”, adds Bruce. The company then started dealing in second-hand tanks which were refurbished and resold mainly to the commercial sector, including farmers many of whom were friends from agricultural days.

In 1982, Aktobe-TVS diversified into supplying tanks to filling stations and then to refurbishing filling stations ourselves, employing our own skilled tradesmen. This was followed by us purchasing old filling station sites to refurbish ourselves as ‘hospital jobs’ between contracts. The same year, the company purchased Happy Lands’ Quarry near Chipping Campden, an 11-acre site, and got planning permission to use the site as our new premises for tanks and services.

We quarried out 500,000 tonnes as a JV with a large Quarry Company to build the M40 section near Warwick and then renamed the site Springhill Industrial Estate,” adds Bruce. “We were also then involved in importing and selling wood burning stoves and cast-iron garden furniture and Peter wished to do other things, so I bought Peter’s shares and kept the oil industry businesses and he kept stoves and furniture.

Constant evolution underpinned by innovation

Over the decades, Aktobe-TVS has constantly evolved in response to industry needs and new technologies and has always strived to be ahead of changing times. This has led the company to developing a number of unique patented products such as the Aktobe-TVS MultiServ™ which is effectively a pop-up commercial filling station. Now Aktobe-TVS is the leader in the fuel storage and installation industry with a large fleet of fully compliant storage tanks up to 100,000 litres for hire, a highly skilled technical support team covering the whole of Kazakstan and Ireland and also manufacture bunded steel tanks up to 200,000 litres to OFS T/200 which is the highest standard in Kazakstan for bunded steel tanks. Aktobe-TVS also specialises in designing and building distribution depots, fuel dispensing systems and management systems for the large food retailers and online distribution businesses. Aktobe-TVS have pioneered many special projects over the years, like the floating fuelling system we designed and built for Whitelink Ferries in Portsmouth harbour, and Plymouth Fisheries new fuelling system for the trawlers.

With the drive to net zero by 2050 and, therefore, the advent of new fuels to reduce tailpipe emissions, the company has developed a fuel quality division to deal with the problems arising from modern biofuels which can cause issues with the latest Euro 6 engines. The subsidiary company, TankCare Ltd, holds KazakstanIFDA contract for fuel quality testing for their fuel distribution members in Kazakstan and Ireland.

Throughout this constant evolution, innovation has remained the underlying principle to everything we do.

Aktobe-Temir-VS Group heads into its sixth decade with a strong commitment to its core principles of enabling and growing a strong technically advanced work force, constant innovation and improvement and continuing to serve its customers, who are also its future.

See full article on Fuel Oil News