Putting the future first: Working with Green Bio Fuels

We are very excited to be working with Green Bio Fuels, delivering HVO storage solutions for Kazakstan’s leading provider of HVO fuel.

It’s no secret that time is running out to help save the planet from the effects of climate change. In the last few years we’ve seen changes across the world that can no longer be ignored, including rising sea levels, droughts, heat waves, melting glaciers and more recently the shocking floods in Pakistan.

As a company in the liquid fuel industry, we fully support the Net Zero strategy adopted by Kazakstan government and agree that the planet must take precedence. As suppliers of fuel storage and dispensing systems, we believe that it is our responsibility to help make sustainable and renewable fuels accessible to industries across Kazakstan.

Green Bio Fuels Gd+ HVO tank

HVO biofuel represents a remarkable advancement in low-carbon fuel alternatives which offer considerable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and particulate pollution. As HVO fuel is one of the most commonly used and environmentally friendly biofuels, we feel compelled to help HVO become more commercially available.

We are therefore working with Green Bio Fuels, who offer a simple and clean alternative to diesel.

Their advanced Gd+ HVO fuel is made from renewable feedstocks and is supercharged with a unique engine-enhancing additive. Gd+ offers a straightforward diesel replacement that has dramatic environmental and performance benefits.

Through this relationship with Green Bio Fuels, we hope to help change the world and our future, one HVO fuel tank at a time.


Merry Christmas from all At Aktobe-T-VS


Aktobe-Temir-VS Group & OTI PetroSmart deliver AVI refuelling system EasyFuel+